Brian Michael McCormick burst into the world on December 23, 1975 in Sioux City, Iowa, into the arms of his loving mother and father, Debra and Mike McCormick. Over the next 16 years, he proudly became a big brother to Kevin McCormick, Chris McCormick, Abby McCormick and Jenny Albertson, and also gained his ‘bonus mother’, Eileen McCormick. As the oldest, he was always a couple steps ahead of his siblings; adventure often called him to new places, where he naturally spread joy, optimism, hope and silliness to any and all—particularly the most wayward of souls. Most often, Brian planted his roots in locations where people and nature were calling to him. At a young age, he moved to Corpus Cristi, Texas, where he lived for several years, spending priceless time with his mother and eagerly awaited his ‘little brother’ Kevin’s annual arrival for the summer. It was here that Brian first fell in love with the power and beauty of the ocean, and its call never quieted, especially during his happiest moments and those of most heartache.
Eventually, he returned to Sioux City, Iowa, where he completed high school, and graduated from Western Iowa Technical Community College as an electrician. Soon after graduation, it was time for the next adventure, and he took off to Denver, Colorado, where his weekends were filled with racing through hairpin mountain turns and snowboarding fearlessly. After several years in the West, a buddy packing for Hawaii suggested in he join him. And so it was how he came to a beautiful little island thousands of miles away, where he found a true second home and family in Lahaina, Maui. And of this very special place we are certain: in the pinks of every sunset, in the red dust of the mountains, in the splinters of taro, in the rhythm of the blue waves—a part of him will always remain. A forever playful boy at heart, a true gentleman, an instant friend, a whimsical uncle, a loving son, a loyal brother, an inspiring teacher, and a devoted fiance to Ariel Gonzales, Brian’s zest for life didn’t just lead him to knew places. It frequently led him to new experiences and passions. This is no surprise; anyone close to Brian knows that he is a jack of all trades and a master of many. Such trades include, in no particular order, drag racing, motor cycling, hunting (big game and small) surfing, snowboarding, golf, skateboarding, scuba diving, sky diving, snorkeling, wake-boarding, gun shooting, fishing (both regular and ice), bowling, bocci balling, and most importantly, his journey to the love of yoga, enlightenment, mindfulness and Ariel.
The most life-style changing of his passions, Brian was a natural yogi from the beginning. He began to focus on mindfulness, impeccable speech, and doing crow pose in living rooms after family dinners. Most importantly, it brought him to Ariel Gonzalez. They fell sweetly, quickly and sincerely in love—and their closest friends and family delighted in their happiness, travels and plans. Though he loved his sports in the mountains, and the call of the ocean—nothing truly became home until he made one with Ariel, staking their corner of the world together on 6 acres of beautiful, Iowan land. They lived their days quietly and sweetly, surrounded by nature, friends and both the Gonzalez and McCormick families. They explored art, music, food, the practice of yoga and the work of their country life—together. Some of his happiest times were sitting under the stars, walking through the blackness of an Iowan country night, lighting bonfires, feeding chickens, mowing the fields, peeing outside, burning leaves and falling asleep with his love, 3 dogs and a cat.
As difficult as it is to lose this beautiful soul who filled our days with joy and wisdom, Brian would want us to find him in shooting stars and guns, in the smell of a barn, in kindness, in a Maui sunset, in his nieces’ laughter, in the eyes of his father and brothers’, in every animal, and most importantly, in each other. Brian would insist that we take his zest for life, and practice it. He would hope that we can get to a place where we can talk story happily about him and treasure what he gave to us so freely: a piece of his heart.
And to us all, may we gently carry it with us always.
Please come join us!
Celebration of Life Country Celebrations
5606 Hamilton Boulevard
Come as you are, comfortable and casual, and ready to honor Brian in the way that he would love best; through joy, celebration, food and drink.