Francisca Aguiñaga, 86, of South Sioux City, NE passed away on Wednesday, December 2, 2015 at her residence.Funeral services will be held at 10:30 A.M. on Monday, December 7, 2015 at St. Michael's Catholic Church in South Sioux City, NE with Father David Fulton officiating. Burial will be in St. Michael's Cemetery in South Sioux City, NE. Visitation will be held from 5:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. on Sunday, December 6, 2015, with a service at 7:00 P.M. with the Reverend Roy Chrisman officiating at Mohr Funeral Home in South Sioux City, NE.Francisca Aguiñaga naci el 4 de Diciembre de 1928 en Jalisco, Mxico. Hija de Francisco Aguiñaga y Paula M¡rquez. Tenia cuatro hijos. Francisca reconocida como Awes por todos sus nietos, fue una gran mujer. Era muy valiente, fuerte, cariñosa y con un corazn lleno de amor. Nos enseño como ser fuertes, trabajadores y como querer a todos. Francisca ayudo a crear el restaurante Taquera La Juanita en 1976 en California despus se movieron a Nebraska y Iowa. Awes era querida y apreciada por todos sus hijos y nietos. Le encantaba colectar figuras para sus vitrinas, le gustaba tejer, cocinar y tener a toda su familia reunida. Siempre ser¡ extrañada y jam¡s ser¡ olvidada. Vivir¡ en nuestros corazones y ser¡ amada por siempre. Juntos recordaremos los hermosos momentos que compartimos alado de nuestra Awes. Le sobreviven sus hijos y familiares, Juana Vallejo, Guillermina Serrano, Martin Daz, Christina Bautista, nietos, bisnietos, y sobrinos. Francisca Aguiñaga was born on December 4, 1928 in Jalisco, Mexico. Daughter of Francisco Aguiñaga and Paula Marquez. She had four kids. Francisca was recognized as Awes by her grandkids, she was a grand woman. She was valiant, strong, loving and had a heart filled with love. She taught us how to be strong, hard working, and how to love everyone. Francisca helped create the restaurant Taqueria La Juanita in 1976 in California, which later moved to Nebraska and Iowa. Awes was loved and appreciated by all her kids and grandkids. She loved to collect figurines for her china cabinets, she loved to knit, cook and have all of her family united. She will always be missed but never forgotten. She will live in our hearts and will be loved forever. Together we will remember the moments that we spent with our Awes. She is survived by her children and their families, Juana Vallejo, Guillermina Serrano, Martin Diaz, Christina Bautista, grandkids, great-grandkids, and nieces and nephews.